Wednesday, January 16, 2008

questions of a 3 year old

Josh is 3 and full of questions. I know this is very normal, but his questions aren't the normal why? questions. They are interesting/difficult questions. His favorite topics to ask about are God, animals, and bodies (his and the bodies of others). For awhile we were dealing with lots of Santa questions too. His favorites times to ask these questions are while he is sitting on the potty or in the car (especially when I am backing out of a parking space).

Here are some of the more memorable questions...
Why do we have 2 ears?
What are cheeks for?
What color is my brain?
Did the fake god make the real God?
What is Santa doing right now?
What part of the reindeer makes them fly?
Why is Florida so far away?
What does the sky feel like?
How do giraffes poop?

There have been many other good questions. It is so funny to watch Richard try to answer these questions. I'm sure he enjoys listening to me stumble through the answers too. Josh's curiosity is one of the best parts of the 3 year old stage. I love it because I know exactly what he is thinking about and wondering. I know when he gets older he may still be curious, but he probably won't ask as much. I really love his questions and hope you do too. This may become a regular post topic. Let me know what you think...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so enjoyed seeing the darling pictures. Keep remembering Joshua's cute comments. I so enjoyed reading them. Lucas is catching up to him. I love you all. GG