Thursday, May 8, 2008

mother's day

I attended the Mother's Day Tea at Josh's preschool on Thursday. It was great event that must have taken so much planning by the teachers. They even had babysitting available for the siblings!

Here are some of the things we did...

*played with the parachute in the gym
*danced the chicken dance
*played dress up (the kids dressed us up in prom dresses, feather boas, tiaras, beads and sunglasses
*ate a snack (fruit salad, teddy grahams, tea, and ice cream)
*kids sang songs to us...I'm a Little Tea Pot, M-O-M-M-Y (like BINGO), The More We Get Together, Mommy is the One I Love

The teachers asked the kids some questions about their mommy. Here are Josh's answers to questions...

My Mommy is 1o years old.
My Mommy's favorite food is chicken.
My Mommy's favorite TV show is cooking show.
My Mommy's favorite color is blue.
My Mommy's eyes are blue.
My Mommy smells like peanut butter.
My Mommy likes to do cooking at home.
My Mommy is as pretty as a flower.
I would like to give my Mommy a new remote.
I love my Mommy because she helps me get my favorite movies out.

Josh giving me a present...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my goodness... too cute!! LOVE all his answers :)