Sunday, September 21, 2008

to wii or not to wii...

We are starting to make our Christmas lists here in the Boger house. We shop super early so that we can transport gifts to where they need to be while we aren't dragging 2 weeks worth of clothes (that is a whole other blog entry...) One of our family gift ideas is a Nintendo Wii. Josh is even able to play some of the games and I love making Wii people! We wondering if any of you boger blog readers have any advice for us...

Do you have a Wii? Do you like it?

If have have even played Wii games at a friend's house... What are great games to get? Any that our 4 year old can play?

We would love your input while we make this fun decision! Thanks!


Ravali said...

Hi Alison, Wii is a fun game which both a 3 year old and a 60 year old can enjoy equally. This is something you may want to shop sooner, because they are released in limited supplies. We have Wii at our place. It has been a while we met. If you are in town, we can meet up sometime and see how Josh likes the Wii unless you want to keep it as a surprise.

Unknown said...

yes! get a wii!! we have mario cart and the fit as well, and there are PLENTY of games on everything to keep us all entertained :) good luck finding one though ;)

Anonymous said...

My parents just bought the Wii Fit system and they absolutely love it. It comes with a Fit Pad or something, but it was a lot of fun when I played it a few weeks ago. Seems good for all ages.